Applications for new families who would like to interview for 2025-2026 are now being accepted. Click here for more information.
English 2: Writing & Grammar
Teach your students grammar and writing skills that provide the foundation for a lifetime of learning. The worktext focuses on understanding the subject and verb parts of a sentence and how to locate the subject and verb of a sentence, along with identifying words, sentences, nouns, action verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and writing skills. Writing, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, editing, and other types of exercises are included, helping students to apply their new found skills in multiple ways. Each will include a spelling list to go along with the lessons (no worries- there will be no spelling tests in class!). Additionally, we will complete two grade-appropriate novels, Pulling Together by Watkins and The Treasure of Pelican Cove by Howard, by reading 1 chapter per week at home and discussing reading elements in class. (2025-2026)
Required Texts:
BJU, English 2, Writing and Grammar:
BJU, Spelling 2:|PSEN
Pulling Together by Dawn Watkins
The Treasure of Pelican Cove by Milly Howard
Copy/Supply fee: $20 (paid to Kacy Barbour at Orientation or the first class)
Tuition fee: $355.00 ($35.50/month for 10 months, August-May)

Kacy Barbour
Associate of Science–General Education
Kacy grew up in East Tennessee, where she casually attended Northeast State Community College. She enjoyed the classes and teachers so much that she just kept going back until they told her she unintentionally had enough credits for a General Studies degree in 2021. Kacy and Wes met in September 2011 and got married 9 months later in June 2012. Their journey has taken them to North Carolina and several areas in Virginia, but they know the Lord called them to plant roots here in Chesterfield. Kacy and Wes have four children: Noah, Braylan, Coralynn, and Koda. They have thoroughly enjoyed their time at Bridge, watching their children grow and thrive in this environment, and are looking forward to getting to know the Bridge community better while serving here. Kacy serves on the Women’s Ministry Team and co-hosts a Christian Fiction Book Club at Parkway Baptist Church. She enjoys a good book, facilitating service projects, and planning fellowship events alongside her Sisters in Christ.