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English 6

This class will focus on reading, writing and literature. It will begin with a review of sentence types and parts of speech intermingled with different types of writing. The student will learn how to write a proper paragraph, personal narrative, newspaper editorial, instructions, a research paper, historical fiction, compare and contrast essay, free verse, limerick, and a cover letter. The second portion of this class includes a literature component designed to help students experience lifelong reading success. This introduces students to relevant works of literature and informational texts and guides them in reading comprehension, literary analysis, and biblical worldview development. (2025-2026)


Required Texts:
BJU English 6 Writing & Grammar, 2nd Edition, Student Worktext
BJU Perspectives in Literature (Reading 6), 3rd Edition, Student text AND Activities text

Copy & Supply Fee: $25 (paid directly to Jennifer Williamson at Orientation or the first class your student attends)

Tuition fee: $385 ($38.50/month for 10 months, August - May)


Jennifer Williamson

M.S.N Masters in Nursing Education
B.S. in Nursing

Jennifer is a native of Chesterfield County. She attended Radford University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing in 2003. She has 20+ years experience as a Registered Nurse. Jennifer graduated from Liberty University with a Masters Degree in Nursing Education in 2017 and went on to work as a professor for a local University for 3 years. She is currently a full-time wife and homeschool mom to her two boys: Caleb & Chase. She has a passion for learning new things and enjoys singing, gardening, taking beach vacations and family time.

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