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History 1-2

Community and Government Assessments, 4th edition provides an age-appropriate study of geography, culture, government, citizenship, and economics, all presented from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Stories, engaging artwork and photographs, tools such as maps and graphs, and essential questions enhance the students' learning. This social studies course teaches the fundamentals of Christian citizenship in Community and Government. The age-appropriate textbook encourages students to become lifelong learners who value freedom, equality, and individual responsibility. Through this course, students will come to understand their world better and be prepared to be effective Christian citizens.


Required Texts:
BJU Press Heritage Studies Grade 2 STUDENT EDITION: Community and Government (4th Edition)
BJU Press Heritage Studies Grade 2 ACTIVITIES: Community and Government (4th Edition)

Copy/Supply Fee: $20 (due to Melissa Futrell at Orientation or at the first class attended)
Tuition: $355 ($35.50/month for 10 months, August-May)


Melissa Futrell

AD in Nursing -RN (Pediatrics, NICU)

Melissa Futrell was born and raised in South Carolina. She holds an associate degree in nursing from Gardner-Webb University, where she met her husband, Derek, who is the Senior Pastor at Parkway Baptist Church. They have lived in Virginia since 2002. Melissa and Derek have five children (21, 20, 18, 15, and 14 years old) whom they have homeschooled since 2009. Melissa and her family have been a part of Classical Conversations for many years, where she has previously tutored Foundations, and currently tutors Essentials. Melissa is not currently working as a Registered Nurse but enjoys homeschooling, baking cakes for her kids, and serving in ministry alongside her husband Derek, and is excited to be a part of Bridge Academy.

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