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Math 6
Description: From BJU Press: "Math 6 transitions students from elementary school into middle school math by providing consistent review of concepts taught in the program with an emphasis on learning math to solve real-world problems. Students will learn not only how math principles work but also how to think critically about those principles and construct arguments so they can use the principles in real-world situations. Teaching materials include a variety of teaching strategies including differentiated instruction, instruction for mathematical modeling, and suggestions for collaborative learning activities."

Required Text:
BJU Press Math 6 Student Text 4th edition
BJU Press Math 6 Assessments 4th edition
Copy fee: $25 (paid to Elisabeth Fiordelise at Orientation or the first class attended)
Annual tuition: $495.00 ($49.50/month for 10 months, August - May)

Elisabeth Fiordelise
B.S. in Education
Elisabeth holds a degree in Elementary Education and taught 2nd and 4th grades prior to choosing to stay home and homeschool her children. She worked at Classical Conversations for the past several years, tutoring both Foundations and Essentials (a writing and grammar program). Music has been a constant part of her life. She studied piano for 15 years and has spent her adulthood accompanying choirs, playing in worship bands, and directing children’s musicals. Elisabeth has taught private piano lessons for the past 14 years, which combines two of her favorite things – children and music. Her husband Pat pastors Kingsland Baptist Church, and she enjoys supporting his ministry by directing the children’s ministry and playing the piano in the worship band. They have 3 children-John (17), Alyssa (15), & David (11).